Brand New Sunset
Interviewed by PuSSyCaT
Before Thai band, “Brand New Sunset”, slipped away to rest after their album launch gig which was held at The Arts House on 15th September 2006, I managed to squeeze in a mini interview with them for all you Pure Rockers out there! *wink*

Brand New Sunset & Pure Rock
BNS: Can this interview be done in Thai, please?
PR: Sure. But I must warn you that my Thai is not very good.
BNS: Don’t worry, my Thai is very good! *laughs*
PR: So what do you think of Singapore?
BNS: It seems like a great place to live. But things are so expensive here. The clothes, the food, the drinks – everything is so expensive!
PR: Is this all your 2nd time in Singapore?
BNS: Yeah, our 1st time was when we were performing for Baybeats at the Esplanade and so this is our 2nd time.
Toon (Vocals): Actually this is my 3rd time because my 1st time was when I was in my mom’s womb when she was pregnant *laughs*
BNS: That doesn’t count! That doesn’t count! *laughs*
PR: So who writes the music for BNS?
BNS: Everyone contributes and helps to write the music together.
PR: Where do you get the inspiration for your music from?
BNS: My father? *grins* Everything and anything actually. Well, we all are avid music lovers, so from listening to music, we want to write music as well.
PR: I noticed all of your songs are in English – are there any that are in Thai?
BNS: Nope.
PR: And why is that?
BNS: Well you see, if it’s in English, more people can understand it and it appeals to a larger crowd.
PR: Have you ever thought of adding in a few songs in Thai though?
BNS: Umm... *pause* Well...
PR: Or perhaps throwing in a few Thai lines or words here and there? Like a mix?
BNS: Oh yeah, we’ve thought about it. Maybe in future we might.
PR: So where did you get your band name, “Brand New Sunset” from?
BNS: It’s actually the title of a song from a Japanese band that we listen to called, “High Standard”. It’s a nice song and plus if we use it as a band name, it doesn’t really give away what sort of genre we fall under, because the name is quite universal in a sense.
PR: Where is BNS headed after Singapore?
BNS: Kuala Lum... Lum... Rum? Rum! *dances*
(PuSSyCaT’s note: “Rum” in Thai means traditional dance)
Kuala Lumpur! Malaysia.
PR: One word to describe Brand New Sunset?
BNS: ______
(PuSSyCaT’s note: A Thai word which I don’t understand!!)
PR: *Sheepishly* And that means?...
BNS: Umm... ok, let’s just say, ROCK & ROLL!! *Collective cheers* |